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Shoot Safe Learning

Security Guard Card

Course Description



A. Powers to Arrest 4 hours

Objective: To familiarize and instruct the individual on the training topics delineated at Business and Professions Code section 7583.7, including, without limitation, legal aspects, techniques, liability, and company requirements relating to the arrest of an individual. The training will utilize the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Power to Arrest Training Manual and may include lecture, discussion, exercises and role-playing.

  1. Overview of Power to Arrest Manual and subject matter.
  2. Definition of arrest and discussion on the implications to the subject, the guard and the company.
  3. Lecture/discussion on escalation and de-escalation techniques in the use of force.
  4. Lecture/discussion in the use of restraint techniques and their implications.
  5. Discussion of trespass laws and implications of enforcement.
  6. Completion of the Power to Arrest Training Manual Test with 100% score in accordance with the Manual’s Administering Instructions.

B. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) & Terrorism Awareness 4 hours

Objective: To familiarize and instruct the individual on the subject matter and observation skills required to identify and report precursor activities to a terrorist event, react appropriately, report the occurrence of a terrorist event, and remain safe while helping control the scene after a terrorist event. The training will utilize the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism Awareness for Security Professionals course consisting of a Digital Video Disk (DVD), Student Workbook and Facilitator Manual.

  1. Introduction and overview of the training.
  2. The Role of a Security Officer.
  3. The Nature of Terrorism.
  4. Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  5. Coordinating and Sharing of Critical Information.


Objective: To familiarize and instruct the individual in basic skills and provide a
common body of knowledge in the performance of security guard work. All courses
shall include information and subject matter pertaining to the outline provided.
Additionally, all courses shall include written material, lecture or exercises to assure that
the individual comprehends the subject matter presented. Every newly licensed or
employed security guard shall complete two of the mandatory courses within thirty (30) days from the day the guard’s registration card is issued (8 hours) or the day the guard begins employment. The remaining two mandatory courses each consisting of four (4) hours of instruction, shall be completed within the first six (6) months from the day the guard registration card is issued or the day the guard begins employment as a security guard. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 7583.6 (b) the following outline includes subjects that shall be taught and the maximum number of hours that will be allowed for completion of the Mandatory Courses.

A. Public Relations (Community & Customer) 4 hours

  1. Recognizing Gender & Racial Harassment & Discrimination
  2. Respect:
    • Stereotyping
    • Attitude
  3. Verbal Skills / Crisis Intervention
  4. Introduction to Diversity
  5. Substance Abuse & Mental Illness
  6. Ethics & Professionalism
    • Appearance
    • Command Presence
    • Proper Conduct
B. Observation & Documentation 4 hours
  1. Report Writing
  2. English as a Second Language
  3. Observation and Patrol Techniques
  4. Asking Appropriate Questions
  5. Observing Suspects / Suspicious Activity

C. Communication and its Significance 4 hours

  1. Internal
    • Protocols Pursuant to Contract (Who to Contact & When)
    • Radio / Monitors
    • Other Technology
  2. External
    • Emergency / First Responders
    • Medical Personnel
    • Police / Sheriff / Other Enforcement • City Services / Government Services

D. Liability / Legal Aspects 4 hours

  1. Personal / Contractor / Employer
  2. Criminal, Civil, Administrative
  3. BSIS Code & Regulations
  4. Role of a Security Guard