Course Outline
Level I Tactical Rifle/Carbine
Level One Tactical Rifle/Carbine is designed for shooters who wish to explore power and precision in a close quarters environment. This course is open to shooters of all levels.
This curriculum is designed specifically for rifles and carbines chambered in caliber 223/5.56 or handgun calibers.
Held on two consecutive Sundays for a total of twelve hours from 3:00 - 9:00 pm.
The following topics are addressed:
- Zeroing
- Sight Off Set
- Fighting Stance
- Proactive and Reactive Reloading
- Immediate Action Drills
- Weapons Presentation
- Ready Positions
- And much more
Tuition $200.00
Other Considerations
The indoor range area of So. Cal. Sharpshooter is ventilated via negative air flow. Temperatures on the range are consistent with the ambient outside temperatures on any given day.
We recommend full length trousers. Foot wear that covers your feet completely is mandatory. Shorts and sandals are not recommended.
A 45 minute break will occur between 5:30 and 6:00 PM. You may want to bring lunch or snacks to eat during this time. Food services are also located just a few minutes away.